Prepaid Funeral Plans

Funeral Plans (Home) banner background photograph

What Are Prepaid Funeral Plans?

A funeral plan can be a safe, secure and cost-effective way to plan ahead for yours or someone else’s funeral.

The Independent Way Plan allows you to tailor-make your funeral plan, no matter how simple or unique. You can specify every detail in advance and guarantee the G. Seller funeral director services.

At G. Seller, we offer Golden Charter funeral plans to make sure you get Your Funeral, Your Way; no matter how simple or unique that may be. We put together your funeral plan with the same level of detail as if it was today. No detail is too small to be taken into consideration.

SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2024

A lot of decisions don’t necessarily incur a financial cost but are still important for your family to know. For example, whether you would like to be dressed in your own clothes, what music you would like to be played, where you would like the funeral cortege to leave from, what your favourite flowers are or whether you would like the curtains at the crematorium to be left open or be closed, to name but a few. This is part of our promise to you that we will go through all the finer details that truly give you the funeral you want and without any uncertainty for your loved ones.

We recommend arranging an appointment with one of our fully trained consultants to go through everything at your pace (either at your home or in our funeral home, whichever you are most comfortable with), without any pressure or obligation. We are here to look after you as if you were part of our own family.

G. Seller & Company Limited is an appointed representative of Golden Charter Limited trading as Golden Charter Funeral Plans which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 965279).

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A thumbnail photo to accompany this customer feedback quote

How Much Do Prepaid Funeral Plans Cost?

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Thinking ahead by creating your own tailored Funeral Plan makes great financial sense. The average cost of a funeral has increased by 20% in 10 years*, mainly due to the increase of third-party costs such as crematorium fees. This means that costs have outstripped inflation in recent years and therefore there is no guarantee your bank or building society savings will cover the cost of your funeral.

The cost of Prepaid Funeral Plans will depend on the funeral service you would like, as shown below.

* SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2014 to 2023. There will only be more to pay at the time of the funeral if the third party costs exceed the itemised allowance when you buy your plan, or if the costs increase by more than the growth of your plan.
Details on services offered can be viewed by selecting the circle "i" icons below.

The Barsby Service

Our Charges - £3,400

Third-Party Charges - £861

Arrangement Fees

The Barsby Service


The Bespoke Service

Our Charges - £3,400

Third-Party Charges - £1,685

Arrangement Fees

The Bespoke Service


Attended Funeral

Our Charges - £2,900

Third-Party Charges - £1,415

Arrangement Fees

Attended Funeral


Unattended Funeral

Our Charges - £2,070

Third-Party Charges - £341

Arrangement Fees

Unattended Funeral


* There will only be more to pay at the time of the funeral if the third party costs exceed the itemised allowance when you buy your plan, or if the costs increase by more than the growth of your plan.

* Golden Charter charges an arrangement fee of £325.00 and is included in the price comparison tables shown above.

* G. Seller charges a one-off arrangement fee of £50.00 to set up your plan which includes all appointments, administration and liaison of getting your funeral plan put together. This fee is paid directly to G. Seller and is included in the price comparison tables shown above.

Personalisation Options

There are lots of ways to personalise your funeral plan, such as:

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Choice Of Venue'
Choice Of Venue
Barsby Service Chapel

The Barsby Service Chapel was designed and built on site in Hinckley to allow you to have the funeral service in one place with complete flexibility to have the funeral you want, without the time restrictions.

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Choice of Venue'
Choice of Venue

The funeral can take place completely at the crematorium of your choice.

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Choice of Venue'
Choice of Venue

The funeral can take place at a Church of your choice. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Choice of Venue'
Choice of Venue
Race Track

The funeral can take place at a wide range of venues. This could include a race track for someone who was a motorsport enthusiast. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Choice Of Venue'
Choice Of Venue
Tipi Hire

The funeral can take place at a wide range of venues, this could include hiring a Tipi. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Alternative Hearse'
Alternative Hearse
Horse Drawn

A choice of the beautiful black or white horses, with the option of matching outrider. 

There are options of having a white, silver or black hearse to accompany them.

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Alternative Hearse'
Alternative Hearse

We can arrange a variety of Motorcycle Hearses. These include a Triumph Bonneville, Triumph Thunderbird, Suzuki Hayabusa or the Harley Davidson Electra Glide (pictured).

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'High-Quality Catering'
High-Quality Catering

We can provide catering and catering attendants to look after everything. This can take place at the onsite Barsby Catering Suite, at other venues of your choice or in your own home.  

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Live Music'
Live Music

Live music makes a real difference to the funeral. There is a wide variety of options for live music. These could include a singer, a choir, a harpist or a brass band to name just a few. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Piper'

We can arrange for a bagpiper to play at the funeral.  

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Bugler'

We can arrange for a bugler to be present at the funeral. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Dove Release'
Dove Release

Dove releases can be arranged for the funeral. This can range from a single dove to 20. You have the choice of whether you'd like to personally release them or whether they are all released independently. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Family Pall Bearers'
Family Pall Bearers

Carrying a loved one's coffin can be a really powerful and personal way to convey them on their last journey. We strongly recommend to do a practice with us before the day of the funeral. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Funeral Stationery'
Funeral Stationery

We can provide a wide range of bespoke and personal funeral stationery. These include orders of service, attendance cards, memorial portrait photos, memory boards, bookmarks and memorial cards. 

A photo to represent funeral personalisation option 'Floral Tribute'
Floral Tribute

We can provide a wide range of floral tributes. We have a comprehensive brochure that your funeral director can go through with you to select what tribute you'd like. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

These are a list of frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us using the details adjacent.

An Independent Way Funeral Plan is available to all UK residents, regardless of age or state of health. If you choose to pay by the Instalment Payment Option then you must be aged under 78 at the start date of your funeral plan and pay the total cost by your 80th birthday.

If your personal circumstances change, please contact us or Golden Charter for further assistance.

Please make sure your next of kin or family know that you have a funeral plan. When you sadly pass away, your loved one will need to contact G. Seller and we will take care of everything.

If you intend to travel overseas, we recommend you make sure your travel or medical insurance policy includes cover for repatriation to the UK. Your funeral plan covers the cost of transportation of the deceased person from a UK mainland airport or port to the G. Seller’s funeral home.

You can transfer the benefit of your funeral plan to a nominated family member or friend who passes away before you, once the total cost of the plan has been paid. There could be increased transportation costs if the nominated family member or friend live a distance away from G. Seller or you may ask to appoint a different funeral director in that instance. Please speak to G. Seller’s funeral planning consultants to ask whether this would be the case in that instance.

Yes, the plan holder’s representative section will need to be filled out on the application and all correspondence will be sent to you.

Please let Golden Charter know you are moving out of the area. You will have the option to move your funeral plan, however, G. Seller are willing to look after you in other parts of the country as we promised so please do contact us in this instance. This may incur additional costs but G. Seller will confirm this with you based on your situation.

This will depend on the type of payment method you have chosen. Please refer to the key features document for more information.

If you cancel within 30 days, a full refund of your payment will be made. For details of the cancellation terms after 30 days of receiving your plan documents, please see the key features document.

Funeral Plan Enquiry Form

To make an enquiry regarding our funeral plans please complete the fields as required along with details of your enquiry, and we will contact you shortly. Fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed.

A photo from the G Seller & Co archive
Funeral Wishes
Not Sure Whether A Prepaid Funeral Plan Is Right For You?

We are proud to offer a free service to keep your funeral wishes on file for you!

Our fully trained team would be more than happy to arrange to meet in one of our offices or in the comfort of your own home to go through everything in detail.