I first met June Hall, 41 years ago, when I turned up unannounced at her house, rucksack and all. Despite that, she was nothing but gracious to me. Then 6 years later, I did the almost unpardonable faux pas and stole her best friend and only daughter away from her. Despite this, she still treated me as a 3rd Son rather than the impertinent interloper.
June was my Mother in law for over 34 years, and the worst I could say about her, is that as someone who was brought up on a diet of Les Dawson mother-in-law jokes, she totally failed to conform to that stereotype. To June, the most important thing was family, and it did not matter whether you were born to it or married into it, she treated you the same, with love and joy.
Trying to come to terms with the loss, I can do no better than this quote by Terry Pratchett “No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away”. June will live on for a long time in her family's memory, and I was honoured to share my time on earth with her.
Tony Pedley
What a sad loss. June and John have been our next-door neighbours for over 40years.
We watched together as our children grew and grandchildren arrived and flourished.
At the centre of all this was June’s calm but incredibly positive influence on her family and ours.
June was a role model for us all. We feel we have lost a family member.
As the end got closer June amazed us at how she managed things.
God Bless you June – we will miss you dearly BUT we will always remember your loving dedication to John, your family, your church, and community.
Our deepest condolences to John and the family.
June and Ray McColgan.
Ray McColgan
June you will be sadly missed, not just for your culinary delights, but for your ever present smile.
May you rest in the love of God. Joan and Daryl
Daryl Howat
To our dear June - we shared so many happy family times and holidays together over the years. You were a much loved member of our family, never to be forgotten.
Happy Memories, Julie and Terry
Julie & Terry Gausden
Renembering the kindness and joy she brought us, a very special lady.
With love
Hugo and Miranda
Hugo and Miranda Marsh
For my wonderful Grandma who was always ready with a hug and a smile and to sit listening to all I had to say. It always meant more than I could ever say to you.
It's going to be so hard to see all the memories you will be missing from in the future but I'm glad we had so much valuable time together in the end. I will miss you so dearly and love you forever, in the knowledge you are finally free of pain and discomfort.
Charlotte Pedley
Miss you everyday grandma
So sorry to hear this sad news John & family. Remembering all the happy times we spent as neighbours! God bless you June, you were a lovely lady !
Joyce Turvey
My darling June, what a life we have had together - 61 years and 5 months since we were married, and almost 63 years since that lucky day we met - 24th March 1962.
Life will never be as good again as it was, it was wonderful, and although I may do many pleasant and enjoyable things in years to come, they will never be as good as when I did those with you. I love you, and I always will. Rest in peace my darling, and on a day yet to come we will be reunited again.