Linda Janet De’Ath (née Eyden)

21st Dec 1947 — 19th Dec 2022
Calligraphic 'swirl' motif

of Hinckley.

passed away peacefully on Monday 19th December 2022 aged 74 years. A beloved mum, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend. Linda will be sadly missed and her loss will be felt deeply by those who knew her. 

Linda’s funeral service will take place at the Barsby Service Chapel, G. Seller, Hinckley on Monday 16th January 2023 at 11:30am.

Family flowers only please.

Any donations in lieu of flowers may be made in memory of Linda, a lifelong animal lover, made payable to the RSPCA c/o G.Seller ‘Independent Funeral Directors’, 75 Upper Bond Street, Hinckley LE10 1RH. Tel: 01455 637457.

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Funeral Service

Monday 16th January 2023

G. Seller
75 Upper Bond St,
LE10 1RHCar Park off Druid Street, Hinckley.

Messages Of Condolence

Animated graphic of a flickering church candle
Linda will be sadly missed.
Animated graphic of a flickering church candle
I'm pleased I got to know you even though it was for a short time. I enjoyed our little chats and laughs we had. Sadly missed. X
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